• Blog

    Squirrel Babies

    June 22, 2017 There is a new clutch of baby squirrels in the garden, just recently arrived. A tiny tribe of four wild foragers, marauding the bird feeder and surrounding greenery with gleeful abandon. These same four, I’m quite sure, were raised in a nest on the roof above my bed, or more precisely, over my bedroom, in a space unable to be found from within the house, or from above, on the rooftop. An almost mythical space which seems to reside somewhere between the bedroom ceiling and the high ceiling’d livingroom rooftop. The sound of their night-time antics as they grew from helpless sightless newborns to adventurous young squirrel…

  • Blog

    Insect Eating Birds are Starving in UnPrecedented Numbers Across the US – You Can Help Save Them with Suet

      We have lost tens of thousands of swallows in Oregon in the last WEEK. The neonicotinoids are killing off the insect populations across the board in all inland waterways near agricultural areas. They are also directly toxic to our birds. Here is the documented evidence: http://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/policy/toxins/neonic_final.pdf Here is the local news headline regarding Oregon swallows: ‘Windy and Stormy Weather Killing Swallows This type of mortality event is unprecedented’ I sent a copy of this local news article to Dr. Henk Tennekes in the Netherlands. Tennekes has documented a mass die off of inland waterway birds, farmland birds, song birds, swallows and all other wild birds in the Netherlands over…

  • Daily Thistle

    Local Community Garden Group Adopts Big Ag Practices

    The Daily Thistle – Because Everyone Needs a Poke Now and Then Atlanta, Georgia June 5, 2013 A local community garden has determined that the biotech industry has set the right example for food growers large and small and has adopted their methods in the community gardens they operate here in Atlanta. Citing claims of increased yields and drought resistance, the group has employed the services of local RC aircraft enthusiasts. The RC group hosts weekly radio controlled aircraft flying events at a park close to the gardens. As part of the agreement, they will carry out aerial spraying three times weekly on the vegetable plots of community gardeners. “This…

  • Daily Thistle

    Bizarre Twist in GMO Seed Stock Story

    The Daily Thistle – Because Everyone Needs a Poke Now and Then Eugene, Oregon May 30, 2013 In the wake of a fast breaking story concerning unapproved genetically modified wheat seeds turning up in Oregon, Monsanto officials today announced that they were ‘shocked’ to learn of the seeds appearance in a field in Oregon’s wheat growing heartland. The seeds, undetected until very recently, apparently made their escape from the high security Monsanto facility in St. Louis, Missouri some time ago. The USDA announced on Wednesday that they were ‘investigating the situation’ and would be filing a preliminary report on the matter as soon as they got back to their offices.…

  • Blog

    The Beautiful Truth – Let Food Be Your Medicine

    This incredible and in-depth video is a very clear and direct statement to the people of the world who would care to know the truth about food and health. An absolute must watch movie for anyone with children and anyone who cares about their health. There is no excuse for anyone to be ignorant any longer of the dangers of processed foods and chemicals in our food, healthcare and dental industries. It is fascinating and revealing to consider, for instance, that the five companies behind genetically engineered and modified foods are not agricultural companies. Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer,Syngenta and Dow. They are all chemical companies. Finally, consider this sobering review of…

  • Poems


    So many things within the context of day to day Hold us Whole Which, If suddenly eroded Through whatever cause Leave us breathless barely able to survive Thrown up upon these rocks uncertain of the tides And yet Even within this does Choice arise Always calling on us to decide We can ‘come up on life surprised’ in a quandary to know what to do or simply choose as best we can in any moment But to do that We must believe in our choice Choose, and believe Believe and choose either way We lean on our own behalf in a direction Or not Or doubt and doubt ourselves or…

  • Blog

    Nassim Haramein – A New World View Emerging

    Over the last few months we’ve been reading about and watching the videos of Nassim Haramein, founder of the Resonance Project on the Big Island of Hawaii. Nassim is a physicist, phylosopher and general renaissance man of the modern age – and no doubt there are plenty of people in the physics community who find him to be completely “over the top” and “out there”… From crop circles to black holes, vortices to tetrahedrons, ancient civilizations to the movement and nature of galaxies and the universe, his ideas are both brilliant and highly challenging to the average Newtonian or even Einstein influenced scientists of today. They’ve led us to hours…

  • Blog

    The Ides of July: A Family Remembrance

    Over the years I never put the pieces together consciously, or actually noticed that it was July that often felt so sorrowful. Perhaps it was just the heat. I never did like hot weather. A sort of malaise seemed to hang in the air… Then, in 2008, all the pieces fell into place at once. It was a grey and overcast day in early March and I was on the Cape again after many years absence. I was standing in the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. My brothers and I were there to bury our mother. 54 years ago, when I was 3 years old, my grandmother was killed…

  • Blog

    Tragedy and Hope – Taking Another Look…

    This video, created by a young Australian, depicts the message that is there for all of us to awaken to. Will we awaken? I do not know. Do I hope we do? Most certainly. The message in this video is well over half a century old – ti took a young man barely 2 decades old to hear it and translate it into this powerful message for all of us. What will you do with it? What will any one of us, or all of us, do with it? It is our choice. Time to choose. Should we choose to wake up or stay asleep? This is the question each…

  • Blog

    Vandana Shiva in London October 12, 2013 Required Viewing

    If you are unclear, or need some education on the reality of food and seed freedom, then you need to watch this video. GMO’s have failed. Over 284 thousand of farmers have committed suicide in India. Watch this video. Watch this video. It’s time for us to Round Up Monsanto. Because we do better with our seeds, our soils, and our knowledge.  It is time for a knowledge of liberation of our minds and our bodies and our food. The vast majority of food produced in the world today is coming from our free, private and unrestrained gardens and farms. We must reclaim our government and gardens. We will NOT…

  • Poems

    Oregon Oak

    Consider the Oregon Oak Vast and strong Upright yet yielding She rises Branches turning This way and that Finding her bearings Home to Lichen Bees Birds and squirrels A myriad of insects Her wisdom Encompasses more time Than any of us Observing her can match She strides the hillside Motionless and in motion The wind sings through her extremities Sending her tiny children and leaves Tumbling to earth in a cascade of life giving bounty Is her speechlessness confounding? Is her solid form a sign of inferiority? Or is she Like God itself Standing erect and watchful upon the land?

  • Poems

    This Furrowed Brow and Lined Face

    I know these features so well, I no longer see them. That permanant crease between my eyebrows; perhaps more a result of reaching to see, eyes squinting on the horizon… or not. no matter, never mind… they have been with me nearly since birth. the contorted face of someone peering into the visual world, awestruck working out just what it was, that was being seen Or those grooves around my mouth and eyes The ones that come to life in a smile Or seem dead in a frown Reminding me which way I can choose To go look be The lines don’t change only their direction Looking back at these…

  • Daily Thistle

    Fast Food “Alliance for Shared Prosperity” Announces new Income Potential for Fast Food Workers

    Washington, DC July 22, 2013 Byline: The Daily Thistle, Because Everyone Needs a Poke now and then. In a never before seen show of mutual support for the working class, a group of fast food giant executives have set aside their differences in order that they might “Come to the aid of our employees and personnel in a meaningful and useful way.” The press announcement from Idleman and Slavery, of NYC named Jack in the Box, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Carl’s Jr., Denny’s and International House of Pancakes as co-founders of the Alliance. The release, which comes on the heals of mounting pressure by extremist groups calling for exorbitant increases…