Insect Eating Birds are Starving in UnPrecedented Numbers Across the US – You Can Help Save Them with Suet
We have lost tens of thousands of swallows in Oregon in the last WEEK. The neonicotinoids are killing off the insect populations across the board in all inland waterways near agricultural areas. They are also directly toxic to our birds. Here is the documented evidence: http://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/policy/toxins/neonic_final.pdf Here is the local news headline regarding Oregon swallows: ‘Windy and Stormy Weather Killing Swallows This type of mortality event is unprecedented’ I sent a copy of this local news article to Dr. Henk Tennekes in the Netherlands. Tennekes has documented a mass die off of inland waterway birds, farmland birds, song birds, swallows and all other wild birds in the Netherlands over…